Sunday 25 March 2007


"Not saying is the flower"
Some things are better left unsaid, silence is gold 沉默是金,看来各种文化里都有这个看法啊,以后要小心管住自己的嘴巴.想起前两天听的一段话:What comes into our mouth cannot make us dirty, but what comes out of it can. Since the things come into our body via mouth will finally go out, while the things come out of our mouth is from our heart.这样看来的话管好嘴巴的前提是净化自己的心灵,不要让污浊的思想和图一时之快侵蚀我们的心。但是实践起来真的很难呢,可能要真正wise的人才能做到。记得读过一句话大概是,The wise man knowns when to open his mouth and when to keep silent. And he only makes sensible comment.

Since one can never rally "take back" what one says, there is a high premium on thinking things through before opening one's mouth. Much harm and nonsense can result from ill-chosen words. Thus the philosophical observation that "Not saying is the flower."

I think I'll keep it a secret from him.
That's good. Silence is golden.

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