Wednesday, 28 March 2007


(In Roman alphabet)minoru hodo atama no sagaru inaho kana
Meaning: Maturity bring humility and respect for others

When rice is mature and ready for harvest, the heavy ear pulls the plant down low to the ground. Japanese see this as analogous to how the wisdom of years fills a man with humility and causes his head to bow heavily in his deep respect for life and nature.

很喜欢这个俗语,要不怎么说年少轻狂呢.虽然说年少的轻狂也许并没有错,但那是一种青涩的无知吧.岁月是人类最好的老师,在使人成熟的过程中教会了我们谦逊和智儒.在内心充实的同时我们学会了低下头审视自己,并领略自然的神奇和广阔. 前几天在美国版的Apprentice中有听到everybody is your teacher,有些触动,这其中的意境是否有些相似呢。闲话少说,题归正传

I heard that the new vice-president Tayama was a wonderful person. It was said that his personality was very good.
I agree. He also seems very humble, not arrogant at all.
He is the type that perfectly fits the proverb,"The mature rice plant lovers its head."

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